ROLE Secondary School Seminar 2021
ROLE seminars are designed and conducted by HKU law students under the guidance of Faculty of Law supervisors, to ensure that learning activities are tailor-made to meet the needs of each secondary school. The seminars will be held during the post-exam period in June and July this year.
Results of ROLE Essay Competition 2020
We have received a lot of thoughtful and creative entries this year. We are pleased to see that many secondary school students are interested in learning more about and promoting the rule of law. We are impressed by the interesting ideas and logical analysis demonstrated in the entries. We appreciate the efforts of all candidates.
After much deliberation, our judges have selected one Champion, one First runner-up, one Second runner-up, and four Merit runners-up for both the English and Chinese groups, judging by the content, structure, style of writing and creativity of the essays.
ROLE Essay Competition 2020
Since 2012, the Rule of Law Education project (ROLE) at HKU has been developing academic materials and other resources to promote a better understanding of the rule of law in the Hong Kong community, including among secondary school students.
To encourage secondary students to think creatively and more deeply about the rule of law, ROLE is inviting S4 to S6 students to participate in its 2020 Rule of Law Essay Competition.
Book-sharing activity for
Prof. Johannes Chan’s new book
To celebrate Professor Johannes Chan’s publication of his new book “Righteousness - The Rule of Law: Just Before the Dawn”, the Rule of Law Education Project is going to hold a reflection-sharing activity. By submitting a reflection on the meaning and influence of the rule of law for you, selected persons will receive a free copy of the newly released book (Chinese edition only).